Al Kavadlo Get Strong Pdf

Well, where to start. I've been reading the Kavadlos' books for a few years, after meeting them through Paul Wade's Convict Conditioning - the methods worked so well and made me feel so great I ended up booking a certification course for the PCC (Progressive Calisthenics Certification) based on its teachings! So I'm already a convert to the training methods - the question is, would Get Strong add to my knowledge?
Answer: yes it does. While I'm not sticking to the 16-week suggested timeline, I'm now using it in preference to the Convict Conditioning series, simply because it's more fun. (Many calisthenics enthusiasts turn away from CC after a few months - not because they dislike it, but because they become interested in progressive calisthenics beyond the confines of that text.) And fun is a huge part of what drives you to get up in the morning and DO YOUR WORKOUT. I've met the Kavadlos in person, and 'bringing the fun in' is key to their approach.
Perhaps the best compliment I can give is that after buying it on Kindle, I ordered the paperback too. It's a (very) colourful book that gives you the moves and grooves in no-nonsense plain English. It gives the path, it guides along, and it checks your progress with a concrete test of strength and fitness at each stage. Each set of moves is one stage in a four-stage journey starting with foundational fitness. The second phase test resembles the 'Century Test' you'll do at a PCC - in fact, Phase 4 looks like a plan for a future PCC II.
So as the title implies, it's an 'ultimate' programme. But you don't need to go all the way to see benefits. Even reaching Phase 2 will put you at a level of fitness well beyond 99% of the population. Extrapolating, Phase 4 will put you into at least the 99.97th percentile, about 1 in 3,000. What's beautiful about the programme (somewhat like Convict Conditioning) is that while the end goal is extremely hard, there's a coherent path to get there from wherever you are now. The majority of normally-abled people DO have the genetic potential to get there; this isn't basketball or swimming, where elitedom means the height of Shaq or the wingspan of Phelps.
The subtext of most of the Kavadlo books is deeply life-affirming: if you're a normal person, you can be an extraordinary person. Because of that 'progressive' part showing the way, you always feel you're moving forward, the next milestone always in sight but just far enough ahead to feel like a challenge. Get Strong is now my main reference for calisthenics, and I paid it the ultimate compliment: after reading it on Kindle I bought the paperback too!
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  2. Kavadlo Get Strong Review
  3. Get Strong Kavadlo
Posted by1 year ago

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Thank you for visiting The official website of personal trainer, author & calisthenics specialist Danny Kavadlo. Keep the dream alive! Foreword to Al Kavadlo and Danny Kavadlo's Get Strong by Mark Sisson. This is precisely why Get Strong is such a phenomenal program. In this book, the Kavadlo.

Get Strong eBook pdf by Al Kavadlo and Danny Kavadlo. An intelligent, realistic 16 week plan from the Kavadlo brothers who have achieved supreme feats of calisthenics strength—like the one-arm pull up, the human flag and the back lever—they have also spent decades helping thousands of clients meet and often exceed their training goals. It’s been far too long since I’ve had the chance to sit down and chat with Al. Since our last meeting, he’s unleashed a couple of valuable resources upon the calisthenics world. The first is his latest book, Get Strong, which he co-authored with his brother Danny Kavadlo. Al Kavadlo is one of the world’s leading experts in bodyweight strength training and calisthenics. The author of several books, including the Amazon bestsellers Get Strong and Street Workout, Kavadlo is also known for his appearance in the popular Convict Conditioning book series. Get into a push-up position with your feet against a wall, then start gradually walking your way up the wall until you’re upside down. Try to get your hands as close to the wall as you can and press your chest all the way out. Beginners may start five or six inches from the wall, but you should aim to eventually get within an inch or two.

During my entire second year of college, I found myself in a bad cycle. I would work out hard for about 2, maybe 3 weeks, which was followed by 3-4 weeks of very minimal exercise and a horrible diet. After almost an entire year of this, I realized that whatever I was trying to do, was simply not working. I decided that I just needed a workout program to tell me what to do and to stick with it. (I already did the RR the previous summer, so I didn't want to do the same program again.) I have always been a fan of Al, so I decided to get this book.

Although I had been slacking, I still had a decent amount of strength going into the program. Because of this I decided to begin at phase two. The first few weeks were still pretty easy, but I reminded myself that I needed to ease my way back into working out and to stick with the program. At the beginning, I treated the program as a bare minimum approach. I told myself that I would only have to do the program as written, and if I felt like doing more I was welcome to do so. More often than not, I would end up doing more than prescribed.

Phase three is when the workouts started to feel great. I actually had to repeat the last week a few times because I was struggling to do 15 pull-ups. Phase four is when I truly began to feel strong. There's something about doing archer pull-ups and archer push-ups that makes you feel an animal. I was starting to feel as though I could feel not only my muscles get stronger, but also all of my tendons and every supporting muscle.

Get Strong Book


Truthfully, I am still on the last week of the program and I may need to repeat it again. (5 archer pullups per side is quite a challenge for me.) I decided to post my progress now since its been an even 3 months, and I don't think my physique will change much in the next week.

I have already purchased 'Street Workout,' another book written by the Kavadlo brothers. I am still working on my handstand, that is my #1 goal at the moment. I am also trying to improve my endurance on my pull-ups, and from there I would like to work on being able to rep muscle-ups. Eventually, my biggest LONG term goals are the freestanding HSPU and the one arm pull-up.


Kavadlo Get Strong Review

Well, thanks for sticking with my if you've read this entire lengthy post. I hope that you gained something from reading this, and I wish you all luck in achieving all of your calisthenics goals. :)

Get Strong Kavadlo