Edit Macros In Word 2013


Learn why use Macros: concepts of what macros are, how to create a macro in Word using labels as an example, how to add the macro as an icon on the Quick Access Toolbar and how to call the macro. In the installation of Excel (& the entire office suite for that matter), the office tools need to be installed (which include vba). They are tools shared by all the office programs (excel, word, outlook, ppt, etc). This makes automation very easy, and can save a lot of time and effort. The easiest way to create a macro is to allow Word to record your actions, then physically perform your desired actions within the document. Once recorded, you can tell Word to repeat what you did at any time. Related: Fifty Great Microsoft Word 2013 Shortcuts. Whether it works or not, you may want to change the value back to 1 once you are finished deleting the macro. Monday, November 2, 2015 4:38 PM Reply. You can access the VBA environment in Excel 2013 by opening the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. First, be sure that the DEVELOPER tab is visible in the toolbar in Excel. The DEVELOPER tab is the toolbar that has the buttons to open the VBA editor and create Form/ActiveX Controls like buttons, checkboxes, etc. Macros and add-ins do not run when security is set to High in PowerPoint and Word. Content provided by Microsoft. Method 4: Change the level of macro virus protection To change the security level of macro virus protection, follow these steps: For PowerPoint 2010 and for Word 2010.

Active2 years, 8 months ago

This question already has an answer here:

  • How do I add VBA in MS Office? 2 answers

How do I get to the VBA editor in MS Word 2013? All my searches return information on Excel.

John SJohn SEdit Macros In Word 2013
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marked as duplicate by Scott, fixer1234, karel, DavidPostill, mdpcFeb 9 '17 at 14:25

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

2 Answers

First you need to enable the Developer button in Word.

Creating Macro In Word 2013

Click File, then Options, Customize Ribbon.

How To Create Macros In Word

Then Select the Developer tab checkbox.

Developer will appear is a menu option now. Select it and you can the select Visual Basic to open the VBA editor.

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I think you can access it via the visual basic button under the Developer tab as above


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Active3 years, 7 months ago

I'm having a problem with MS Word 2010 where I have some macros that I can't edit or delete. I'd like to delete them, but in the Macros dialog box, the edit and delete buttons are greyed out. I can run them though. When I try to step into them, I get an error message saying, 'Project is unviewable.'


I've tried to rename the Normal.dotm file (because I think this is where they're stored) and delete the Normal.dotm file. I've tried going into the VBA editor to access the macros from there, but when I expand the Normal project, I get the same message: 'Project is unviewable.' I've even tried to uninstall and reinstall Word, but my macros come back.

I've checked Google for solutions, but whether it's macro permissions or a problem with Normal.dotm, no suggestions are working. Does anybody know the solution? If even a complete Office reinstall doesn't work, is there any solution?

Steve G.
Steve G.Steve G.

2 Answers

So you are unable to remove macros from MS Word. First, you need to open the Microsoft VBA Editor. Then, you need to locate the Project tab. This will contain the hierarchy of your MS Word doc and macros.

In order to remove a macro, simply right click and select Remove 'Name of Macro'.


Disable Macros In Word 2013

Okay, seems I've found the solution. I deleted the wrong Normal.dotm--the one from my own user account--and not the global one. There was one hiding in C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14STARTUP, and once I deleted that and reloaded Word, Word recreated the template from scratch and the unwanted macros were gone.

Thanks to everyone who helped/looked for the solution!

Steve G.Steve G.

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